Gwalior Glory High School honoured with ‘School with Most Qualified Faculty Award’

Gwalior Glory High School honoured with ‘School with Most Qualified Faculty Award’
Teachers are the nation builders. They play the role of a friend, philosopher and guide for the learners shaping them with affection, instilling confidence in them hence grooming them into individuals who can analyse, think rationally and grow collectively. Gwalior Glory High School with the motto of ‘Care , Capacity, Capability’ always tries to strengthen the 3 pillars of education- Educators, Learners and Community. In line with the philosophy of the school, faculty development programmes, wellness programmes etc are conducted for the staff of the institution augmenting their knowledge and skill. The efforts of the organization has been acknowledged with the ‘School with the Most Qualified Faculty’ Award at the Indian School Awards organized by the Times of India, Chitkara University- Punjab and RoboChamps. Nominations were sent by around 650 schools from all across the country in various categories. The award was presented by Dr.Madhu Chitkara (Vice Chancellor , Chitkara University- Punjab)