Career Perspective in Physical Education & Sports

Career Perspective in Physical Education & Sports
Gwalior Glory High School organized a career counselling session for the students of classes XI & XII. With a plethora of career options available in the contemporary times, the role of a career counselling session becomes indispensable. The session was conducted by Dr. Krishna Kant Sahu- Director Open and Distance Learning, Department of sports Management and Coaching, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education (LNIPE).
Dr. Sahu encouraged the students to pursue their interests and urged them to work sincerely to achieve their goals. A power point presentation regarding the same was also shown to the students.
The resource person emphasized that one must have in-depth knowledge of the choices lest one might end-up in a career that is not made for one. It is common among students going through this transition phase to get influenced by misinformation and end up making wrong decision. He urged the students not to make decisions based on peer pressure. Students were made aware of the different options in profession and courses, related to physical education. Queries raised by the students were addressed by Dr Sahu.
The session was immensely enriching and interesting.