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Open Air Literacy classes

Identify and work for the Socio-Economic development of the underprivileged Youth, Children and Women so that they grow up to be educated with values of life…

About Abha Kunj

Open Air  Literacy classes

Abhakunj Welfare Society, provides selfless services (Philanthropic) to the community by conducting “Open Air Literacy classes” with values of life for over 500 Underprivileged children and youth. Their goal is to teach them Academics, Virtues of life, Skill &Vocational training and personality development in the four neighborhoods of Indore, Madhya Pradesh India every day since January 2010. Since they are the future of the Nation, representing so called Developing Country, instead of upliftment or progress of society, signs of degradation was seen. So, we work and provide direction and moral support so that they grow up to be good human beings and bring about positive changes in the society they live. Many of the students are either drop outs or not admitted to the schools, we visit the homes of these students and counsel the parents and bring them to the streamline of Education.

Here at the “Open Air Literacy” classes, great care is taken every evenings to channelize their strengths, and capabilities into constructive purpose by teaching them the school curriculum with the values of life..

They are trained to be good individuals, to be truthful, honest, loving, caring, sharing, etc. through prayers, learning and understanding of quotations, colouring, drama, songs and cooperative games and other service activities. The elder brothers and sisters of these children are also provided free training to teach the other children in their own locality.

What we achieved

Our History is Achievement

These children and Youth are classified into various categories- one who have never been to educational institutes, school dropouts, working children etc. Majority of the parents are daily labourers, these children are unattended for long hours who used to roam, wander idle, use dirty and filthy language, bunk or leave schools, smoke, drink and indulge in some unwanted activity like playing coins, gambling and so on.

Usual Users

Our Mission

We commit to empowering children from disadvantaged backgrounds through education, instilling values, and nurturing their potential. Our goal is to produce skilled, aware citizens who contribute positively to society and lead with integrity. By providing comprehensive educational support, we aim to break the cycle of poverty, enabling children to dream big and achieve their aspirations.


We envision a society where every child from a disadvantaged background has the opportunity for socio-economic development through literacy, health, and vocational skills, transforming their lives and communities. Our vision is to create a sustainable impact by building capacities, fostering leadership, and ensuring that education becomes a powerful tool for lasting change.

Our aim

Our aim is to guide children towards becoming responsible citizens of India, exhibiting virtues of peace and harmony. We strive to create a society where diversity is celebrated, and everyone contributes to collective progress. Through education and empowerment, we aspire to build a generation that leads with compassion, integrity, and a commitment to societal betterment.

What we do?

We focus on education, health, and vocational development for children from underserved communities. Our programs aim to provide comprehensive support, ensuring holistic growth and development. By addressing these core areas, we work towards creating a foundation for lifelong learning and success.

Awards and Recognition

Our work has been acknowledged through various awards, highlighting our commitment to transforming lives through education and empowerment. These accolades are a testament to our relentless efforts and the positive changes we bring to the lives of children from underserved communities. We are honored to be recognized for our dedication and impact.

News Coverages

Dr. Lalita Sharma

Director-Founder Of Disha Foundation

I am, Doctrate in Administration, MPhil, MA – Public Administration, MA- Political science, BEd, MA- Psychology, is an Educationist, Philanthropist and a Social worker. I guide more than 580 Underprivileged children and youth every year for complete Education, bringing them to the mainstream of Education working with them everyday since last twelve years( 2009) and trains about 60 ladies for vocation of life in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. India. I am also an Animator and trainer of Value education and empowerment of women. She runs an NGO, AbhaKunj Welfare Society, which provides Philanthropic services for the under privileged children , Youth and women and empowers them in literacy, Arts, vocational and moral values of life thus bringing about huge transformation in the locality they live. I conduct free and complete Education for all standards from 1st to 12th and guides the Graduates and post graduates in her classes known as “open sky learning classes”

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